Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm Here To Help!

Okay, for some reason there seems to be a particularly high content of "cutesy" stuff on the internet lately. Lots of posts about crying, hand-holding, snuggling with dates, etc. I mean, that's normally cool, but there is an EXPLOSION of it lately (I am guilty - posting cuddly pictures of my cat!). Everything is so "cute and romantic," it's like they've been putting solvable Hallmark cards in the water. But not to worry, I am here to help! In the interest of balance, here are few tidbits from a recent sword exhibit I put up. Feel free to growl, dance around a fire, or head-butt your best friend:

Exhibit case full of swords!

An 1833 Dragoon Saber - I mean, how cool is that?

1860 Light Calvary Saber - Used throughout the Civil War, AND makes a nice cake slicer! Eh?

1913 sword designed by none other than George Patton!!

Okay, so did I help anyone? If not, you can always see my posts on catapults! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch Oprah.


  1. *sheepish grin*

    Guilty as charged. Ha!

  2. It's not just you, Abb, it's everyone, including me! I was even posting cute pictures of my cat. Something is happening - an alien beam maybe.

  3. You're a funny one! But I did like the swords, thanks!

  4. Words can be mightier than swords. When they're slicing cakes...

  5. Going from cutesy to swords, eh? I'm getting the impression you're tired of your feminine side ;-)

  6. Ummm...can I get the serial number off that M1913 saber?

